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Overcoming the world...

When we think of the things we daily battle in this monotonous rat race of modern day life, amid the never-ending, ever-changing, and newly founded sets of rules for adapting to the repercussions of a global pandemic, the word "overcome" takes on a new meaning. We must overcome fear. We must overcome depression. We must overcome the threat of death and illness that looms over us like a black cloud of despair. Many of us must overcome the feeling that we are being lied to or held prisoner while we await the coming of a new world government, a one world faith, and a persecution the likes of which we have never known before.

Whatever side of the fence your fears reside on, we all have one singular hope and that is the never changing face of Jesus.

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(Recommended reading)

I reccomend reading John Chapter 16 in your Bible along with this short study. Though I chose to read the New King James Version for most of my studies, my hope is that you simply have access to a Bible. If you would like to order one, the Shop Now link below can help you with a wide selection. If you would like to #download one, the youversion app is my favorite online Bible reading source and you can get to it by clicking the link on any of the Bible verses I have added to this blog. (Just like the one below.)

““A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go to the Father.””

Though Jesus knew very well what suffering was ahead of Him, the disciples were unable to see the future and therefore clueless. Like many of us, though Jesus was telling them what was coming, they were missing the mark of understanding completely. With Easter Sunday just around the corner, many people will mistakenly celebrate the return of spring or the tradition of giving candy and treats to their families. Though the roots of these fun holiday celebrations are of pagan origins, the christian household celebrates for a completely different reason.

We celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the cross, the suffering He endured, and His resurrection, are the direct reasons we have the hope salvation. We celebrate His love for us and rejoice in His assertion to heaven, patiently awaiting His return for the church.

“Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.”

We know that life here on this fallen earth will not be an easy one. It's nor guarantied to be pleasant or peaceful, in fact, we are promised tribulation and suffering, but we are also promised the incomparable peace of heaven one day. That hope is a joy that no man can steal and no demon can destroy. We live in the ever-flowing hope of Jesus and He lives within all of us.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.””

By the resurrection, we have proof that Jesus has overcome the death sentence of this world and we are no longer bound by it. Though the penalty for sin even in it's smallest or most well intended form is death, our punishment has already been dealt and the price has already been paid. So whether we struggle with overcoming fear, illness, depression, pain, loneliness, pride, or any other form of earthly shackles, we can know that the price tag has been removed because we were purchase by our Savior and we belong to Him. He has overcome death and He will stand for us on the day of judgement, and call us to heaven because he knows our names.

I wish you all a blessed Easter Sunday


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