Keeping This Temple Holy
Speaking Faith When I've Lost My Voice
Lord, Is My Faith Strong Enough? How Do I Share My Faith When I'm Struggling?
How do I stay on the narrow path when I keep getting attacked? (Making Decisions In Faith)
Non-Specific Offender (What if my loved ones turn against me?)
Finding peace in my spiritual trenches. (Hope in the darkness)
Faithful Obedience Without fear.
Holding Onto Faith In A Faithless World. (When Standing Up Sets You Apart.)
Is Keeping Quiet To Save Myself From Awkward Situations A Sin?
Getting the Job Done. (Sharing Your Faith Today)
Detox toothpaste
Cleaning Up My Heart (Maple Syrup Mishaps)
No fear. Sending sheep to comfort the Lions.
How to change my Selfish Perspective after becoming a Christian.
Do I recognize my enemy?
How to Spread the Gospel Without Fear?
3 Ways We Should React to Answered Prayer
After the Cross
Hope in Christ (Flowers in the Garden)
The Pride of Pilate
Healthy Homemaker, A Natural Christian Lifestyle! I hope you enjoy my lifestyle and devotional blog posts as much as I enjoyed writing them.