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Staying In My Zone (Sharing My Faith)

Growing a garden with Jesus.

As I was putting together my fall vegetable garden plan of attack and researching the appropriate seedlings to start in my zone, I realized this zone thing was more than just a seasonal planting guide. Just like we have instructions for when to plant certain seeds, and when to harvest certain garden goodies, the same goes for sharing our faith and sewing spiritual seeds.

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The Lord provided us with His holy word to guide us through the process of living on this earth. It’s more than a simple how-to guide for the everyday believer, it’s a detailed plan, carefully laid out to show us what steps to take and in what order. Like any guide-for-dummies, we must take our time and get to know the contents before spouting out our own half-baked opinions on others.

I, for one, certainly cannot follow a detailed plan through to the end if I have not studied all the steps. Though there are some things we may not fully understand until we are faced with the reality of living through them, there are many things we can learn from the Bible and be well prepared for should we encounter them. One of those things is sharing Christ with others. We know the word. We know what we believe. So, why is it sometimes so hard to share it?


Here’s a thought, perhaps try practicing your memory verses while gardening. I find that memorizing comes with ease if I can relate the words to an activity. *wink-wink*.

Sharing your faith with others may not come easily in the beginning, but like with most things, it becomes easier with practice. I have recently begun a new career, (hence my long hiatus from scripturesparrow) and this new job requires me to be swift at speaking and answering tough questions. How can I answer questions if I don't know the business? I must take time to read, learn, and practice saying outlooks the things I need to know so I can be well equip to share with others.

So, I encourage you today to start in Romans 10 and memorize the verses that pertain to salvation. Then go through and memorize as much as you can. Knowing your Bible well is for you as much as it is for others. When troubles come, how can you lean on the Word if you don't know Him?

“that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

I wish you all a blessed day, little sparrows.



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